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Funkymonkey Dumpster Rental

24 HOUR RENTAL (1 Day)


Cost $399

  • Additional Days $49 Day.
  • Only Pay for What You Put in The Dumpster
  • Cost Includes; Fuel, Labor, Environmental fees and landfill charges.
  • All Waste/Debris in the dumpster Is Billed @ $0.20 Lb. Residential and $0.10 Lb. Construction/Contractor Customer will be charged after waste/debris is processed and disposed at the; landfill or the waste station or the dump.
    (Example 500 lbs. X $0.20 = $100)
  • Keep The Dumpster as Long as You Need It.
  • When You Are Ready for Us to Pick Up The Dumpster, Just Contact us.

Other Additional Charges May Apply

  • Tires $49-$129
  • Appliances $49
  • Couches $49
  • Mattress $49
  • Box Spring $49
  • Paint/Chemicals $49- $149
  • Automotive Battery $59
  • Over 20 mile Radius ($0.25 Mile)
  • Cancellation Fees $199 (Notice less than 24 Hours)

Standard Delivery Time

  • Customer Select Day
  • No Additional Charge

Note- Soonest Availability on Your Selected Delivery Day

Premium Booking Available

Customer selects EXACT TIME of day selected

  • Weekdays $69
  • Weekends $99

Note: Regular booking Is Soonest availability

Rental Protection Options

  • Driveway Protection $49
  • Fire/Damage Protection $99

Additional Items to Rent (Only With Dumpster Rental Duration)

  • Broom $5
  • Dustpan $5
  • Shovels $5
  • Garden Rake $5
  • 42 Gallon Heavy Duty Garbage Bags (Purchase) $2 each
  • 44 Gallon Garbage Cans $8
  • Hand Truck $8
  • Furniture Dollie $8
  • Wheel Barrel 8
  • Tarp $8 (Needed for Rainy Days)

If ADDITIONAL ITEMS are lost. Replacement Fee will be charged to renter, per tool. Charges will vary according to the lost tool.